Book Premium Security

Best price guarantee, free cancellation, on site.

Premium Security

Security is a vital aspect of the journey through any airport. At Belfast International Airport we aim to make that journey as seamless as possible.

Premium security is £5 and can only be booked online.


How it works

  • Book Premium Security (more than 24 hours) prior to date of arrival.
  • Print your confirmation ticket & bring with you on your date of arrival (this can be found in your emails)
  • Have your Premium Security ticket ready before you reach the Security Lane which is the left-hand walkway leading to the security area.
  • A member of the Security Search Area staff will check your boarding pass and your Premium Security ticket.
  • Children under two are given free access when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. (Please Note: If Premium Security is sold out or unavailable on certain dates/times , the following message will appear, "Apologies, the dates you have entered are currently unavailable.") T&Cs apply.


For a full list of hand luggage restrictions please visit here.