Recently over 130 of delegates from over 40 agencies attended the NI Airports Joint Emergency Planning conference where those involved in emergency planning and crisis response for NI’s Airports came together to listen and learn from their peer group across a range of topics.
Romain Olive, Chief Operating Officer said “ Airports are an important part of the critical infrastructure and essential to the smooth running of these assets are the people who make it work. Northern Ireland is a small place and it is vitally important that we all work together to ensure the safe and smooth operation of our airports which is why conferences like these are so important. Important to get together and meet colleagues, important to learn best practice from our peers, important to build on our knowledge and to learn from others in our industry.
We all work hard to build, develop and maintain our emergency plans should something ever happen. It is these colleagues from across a wide range of agencies that we will rely on in an emergency situation so it is essential to take time out of our busy schedules to understand and reinforce how we operate with each other and fit into each others emergency plans.”